Previously I have discussed my personal definition of a coach. Today I would like to expand on this and explore the actual role of a coach. What duties are they expected to carry out and were should they end?
To be a coach should be:
* A role model to their athletes. Personally this is one of the most important aspects of coaching to me. If my athletes see me continually turn up late to training, practicing poor health habits such as smoking and eating a poor diet. I should not expect anything more from my athletes.
* A researcher. Athletes are not degree qualified, they are often young and only just beginning to understand how the body functions. No matter the subject, menstruation cycles, eating disorders to training technique, the coach should be the one to find this information to help the situation or if unable find someone better equipped who can.
* A Motivator. If the coach is not motivated to give 100% to the athlete's, he or she should not expect the same in return. Motivation is key in achieving goals.
* An Events Manager. From simple meetings such as training sessions to international meets, it is the coaches role to ensure that all team members are aware of where they have to be and by what time, this role should not be left to the parents.
* A Supporter. No one understands what the athlete has done to get where they are today better than the coach. The has the best insight into the athlete and their responses to varies competition situations, therefore it is vital that the coach is the athlete's number one fan.
* A Friend. In a swimming situation, the coach will spend about 5 hours per day with his or her athletes. During this time a personal relationship is build, and apart of that should be friendship helping the athlete to feel comfortable and able to approach their coach with any issues or concerns knowing that the information will be kept confidential.
*An Assessor. It is the coach's role to continually valuate their athlete's performance and not to solely rely on competition results for their feedback.
*A Safety Advisor. It is the coach's responsibility, not only to the athlete, but also to their family and friends that their safety is top priority at all times.
* A Counsellor. Personal issue's and team issue's should be sorted asap, preventing major issues within the squad or an athletes life.
* A Coach. See above!
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